PNG and PSD DIGITAL PHOTO TEMPLATES for photo glass pendants, image pendants, scrabble tile pendants, bezel photo pendants, buttons, glass magnets, pocket mirrors, key chains, bottle cap pendans, bookmarks, and much more. Plus Easy Product Create Online Tool.
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Make hundreds of pictures
of your product
with our Digital Templates
in a few Minutes!

  List your product
with a virtual image.
Once your product sells
you make a real thing.
You will save
time and money
because you will not
have to make a product
just to have a picture of it
and have unnecessary inventory.
You can quickly give your customer a variety of choices.
Step 1. Select your image.

Collage sheet
Step 2. Paste an image
into a template.

Digital Template for scrabble pendant photo
Step 3. Save a picture.

Scrabble Tile Pendant Photo

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DigitalTemplates.BestPeople.ca for Craft Projects!

Are you a crafty person designing and selling a variety of pendants, buttons, magnets, pocket mirrors, key chains, bookmarks and a variety of gift items with graphics inside? Do you like to scrapbook? Then you have come to the right place.

With the support of DigitalTemplates.BestPeople.ca, you can start your crafting business with no inventory. Don't waste the time taking photos of all your jewelry when you can use digital photo templates.
Why keep an inventory if you even not sure it will be sold when you can make digital pictures without creating a real things.
You have your digital images... All that you need now is little creativity and imagination to merge your images with our digital templates. Your item is virtually ready. You can create thousands of Digital Pictures of your product, list it on your website or any Internet Marketplace, show it to your clients, allow them to choose the one they like and see what you will make for them. You will save a lot of time and money because you don’t have to have unnecessary inventory! You can put your money to better use for your business!

Also, if your client gives you a personal digital image, you can show your customer how their image will look like on your product by using the digital templates and services offered by DigitalTemplates.BestPeople.ca. Your customer will be impressed by your ability to quickly show them a variety of choices with their personal image and your digital templates. You will have satisfied and returning customers!

What Service does DigitalTemplates.BestPeople.ca offer??

If what we say interests you, you can try it right now. All that you need is a digital template and a digital picture of your choice. You can merge them together to see what your finished product will look like. You will see it come alive.

See the example on the left hand side of this home page. In step 1, you have a blue color image.
In step 2, you have a digital photo template of a pendant. Next you merge the blue color digital image into the pendant digital template as shown in step 3. You can now download this finished picture and you can use your creative skills to produce another pendant. Image used in Step 1 is an example. You can use any image from your digital collage sheet, your personal picture, or client image and create a pendant and deliver a very cute and personalized gift.

Interesting, isn’t it? You can do this merging of your image to your digital template in just 3 seconds using our website. Are you wondering how you are going to make your big image or photograph fit into the small space of the digital pendant? Don’t worry! We have a graphical scaling option which will enable you to resize and crop your image to fit inside any of our digital templates in seconds.

Another option for you is to use our Digital Photo Templates using programs such Adobe Photoshop or GIMP that can work with layers. You can read through the instructions page available by clicking the “Instructions” link in the top menu bar. These instructions will assist you step by step in using our digital templates in Photoshop Elements and GIMP.

Free Trial!

Are you still wondering how digital templates can be a good asset with helping you make your business successful? Try our FREE service and see for yourself what a great tool this is to have for promoting your business. Use any image of your choice and merge it with free template on our site using our “Use Templates OnLine” service. Simply click on the “Use Templates OnLine” menu button on the top bar and follow the two simple steps. That is it! You are ready to sell your product!

Excellent Benefits with Membership!

I hope you enjoyed your free trial. As you can see from the free trial, only one template for glass photo pendant is given for free. To use all of our digital photo templates on our website to promote your business, you will need to buy a membership account.

When you have the membership, you have everything ready at your disposal for creating your product and promote your business. Start creating your virtual products, show them on your website, blog, twitter, facebook and with perfect samples of your finished product from using our Digital Templates you will have many sales and very satisfied customers!

What Are You Waiting For?

Hurry!!! Buy Templates or buy our Membership and Start Excelling in creating beautiful work! Click here and Buy Membership Account or here Buy Templatets

DigitalTemplates.BestPeople.ca also for Fun Lovers!!!

Creativity is fun! Your personal photographs with our Digital Templates are a great way to capture, preserve and share your memories. There is no limit to what you can do with merging your photographs and our Digital Templates!

Now day’s people enjoy the skill of merging creativity with photographs and Digital Templates. Graphics is the new and fun way to create anything from t-shirts with pictures to calendars, etc. It’s a way to see your imagination and artistic talent come alive! Men are also very involved in the new graphic movement.

If you are happy with how your product looks, buy a membership and start creating with your personal images or for business. You have nothing to lose. It’s a win win situation. Imagine not having to have a huge inventory when you can use your financial resources for other business matter.


Scrabble Tile Pendant
Template for scrabble tile pendant

Bottle Opener
Template for bottle opener

Bezel Pendant
Template for round bezel pendant

Key Chain
Template for key chain

Pocket Mirror
Template for pocket mirror

Purse Hanger
Template for purse hanger

Bottle Cap Pendant
Template for Bottle Cap Pendant

Domino Tile Pendant
Template for Domino Tile Pendant

Dog Tag Pendant
Template for Dog Tag Pendant

Glass Square Pendant
Template for Gass Square Pendant

And much more...
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DigitalTemplates.BestPeople.ca is a great source for Digital Photo Templates. We specialize in photo templates for glass pendants, scarbble tile pendants,
bezel pendants, buttons, glass magnets, key charms, pocket mirrors, bottle cap pendants & magnets, domino pendants.
Our proffessional quality, Digital Photo Templates in PNG or/and PSD formats are available for immediate download right after of your completed payment.